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Harrold Middle School

A piece of junk that several hundred unlucky students have to attend. A synonym is prison. You get ISS for no reason and detention is given out like candy.

Seeing rapists outside of this place isn't rare.

Everyone smells like horse tits and has zits on their eyes.

You learn nothing in any class and you'll be lucky to make it out without getting an STD.

Every girl breaks the dress code just to try and look cool.

Boys dream about their future times in the high school smoking pot.

That's all she wrote..

James: "Hey did you fail that Science test?"

Peter: "Of course! This is Harrold Middle School"


by 12345monkeys May 27, 2013

22👍 1👎

middle school shower

The school gym shower in middle school. It is the first time students are forced to get naked and shower around their friends and classmates at school. Older schools have a communal shower, in which no one can hide anything, and anyone can see how developed their classmates have gotten in terms of dick/boob size and public hair. Some students are humiliated by this, while others are proud to show off. Reactions to erections can vary - sometimes they are ridiculed, and sometimes they cause other students to get erections.

Jacob: Did you enjoy the middle school shower?

James: I did! I had the biggest dick of all my classmates! What about you?

Jacob: I didn't have any pubic hair at the beginning, so I got teased, and I got an erection almost every day, no matter how hard I tried not to.

by naked streaker August 7, 2019

22👍 1👎

Middle school thot

A thot in its early stages. What every guy in middle school is either obsessed with or disgusted with, but also calling every girl they know a thot ,not knowing of the real meaning. Most middle school girls call each other thots , also not knowing the meaning.

Middle school Thot: Puts pictures on Instagram of her boobs almost completely out with a dog filter, with the caption 'I feel the breeze on my bare body and it makes me feel beautiful'. At the same time, she puts videos of her with multiple guys all the time on her story, always of her twerking, smoking pot, gronding, ect. She always has guys asking her out, and makes s huge deal out of it when she says no, extremely rudely. Almost always has had at least 7 boyfriends, all popular guys. Has never had sex but always talks about how she wants to so much.

by Justacoolaverageguy June 3, 2017

56👍 6👎

Eisenhower Middle School

Eisenhower Middle School is full of little wannabe crackheads. At Eisenhower Middle School it doesn't surprise me that they have four security guards in three officers patrolling the campus 24 fucking 7. Kids be hotboxing the bathroom and smearing shit on the walls. What great fun

Eisenhower Middle School is gay

by FlAppYhorseCocK October 13, 2018

31👍 3👎

pickering middle school

Pickering Middle School is a middle school located in Lynn Massachusetts. It’s filled with shitty people, snakes, hoes, and bitches. You’ll find all types of shitty people ranging from ghetto to “I remind the teacher we have homework” type of people. The school is downright disgusting and jails probably have better conditions than this.

Bob: Hey, look over there!
Joe: Why what’s that? A jail?
Bob: Nah, it’s just Pickering Middle School.
Joe: Ohhh, I feel bad for those kids.

by thiccbeast January 9, 2018

31👍 2👎

Sarasota Middle School

It's a melting pot of rich kids that smoke a lot of weed and chill kids that just try to live by the rich kids that are usually assholes. There are actually quite a few chill teachers (Like Mr. Lorenzo) but the rest are stinky old people that will trash your grade book with confusing grading systems and assignments. Our sports teams suck but it doesn't really matter because nobody acknowledges their existence. We live in Sarasota so you are either upper middle class or just scraping by financially, you can usually differentiate the two by seeing who wears hollister and who doesn't. There are some nice upper class kids but they are very rare to find. Our school ends later than everyone in the district at a record breaking 4:15 PM and starts at 9:15 AM EST. If you are at this school you are probably experiencing the heinous ingredients of this hellhole such as: hormones, stress, tests, social awkwardness, and bullies. You will probably see a popular kid date a girl for two weeks and break up with her then proceed to act like his/her life is over. If you go here or you are planning to, I wish you the best of luck.

Person 1: Hey, have you heard of Sarasota Middle School?

Person 2: Yeah, have you heard of entering the bowels of hell?

by whoamihandle May 19, 2021

31👍 2👎

Normandin Middle School

a school filled with 13 year olds who vape and take pictures in the bathroom. all the females are ratchet. ghetto people love this school and love to cuss the teachers out because there “tripping”. Some classes hold the most ghetto kids that are 15-16 years old. If you go to the success center you are a confirmed cool kid. Mr. Borowitz will write you up if you have your phone out though, he will be the only teacher to do this, it’s because he thinks the ghetto kids are contacting their friends to “shoot up the place.” All the “light skins” like the “light skin” security guard so they won’t let you disrespect him or they’ll “beat your ass on dead dogs.” The other security guard looks like Raini Rodriguez so all the ghetto kids also bully her but no one cares. All of the sport teams are terrible, they don’t win anything, except when the Guatemalans play on the soccer team, then you will see a win every once in a great while. Most of the teachers try to teach but will get yelled at by the black kids in the back of the class because “they don’t need to fucking know this shit.” So teacher will then cry because they are pussies. But in conclusion, Normandin Middle School is a terrible School because of all the ghetto kids that come straight out of the 8 projects surrounding the school, and teachers aren’t actually teachers.

Fairhaven/Dartmouth Friend: “You go to Normandin Middle School?”

You: “Yes!”

Friend: “Wow don’t get beat up or shot up ‘on dead dogs.’”

by Frat Boy from Brockton February 28, 2019

21👍 1👎