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Ipinagbabawal na teknik

A very powerful move or act in any aspect in the life of a Filipino. These are so strong that they are so strong that they are usually banned (hence pinagbabawal).

This is the ipinagbabawal na teknik in basketball. *Punches crotch*

by riyal February 3, 2024

waki na cha cha

Something king Wadeon says when he's happy or wants to be on earth with the blue crusader in Jack Henry sycamores comics
Revenge of the blue crusader

Waki na cha Cha says king Wadeon no wade

You don't have a green card says the blue crusader

by Jayjaybunnyparty1644 February 26, 2025

Na zang

Means your penis

Na zang hi na ve

by Sodiupeso March 21, 2024

NA Bar

A bar that features exclusively non-alcoholic beverages.

Let's find an NA Bar!

by JoelTone September 21, 2022

jing na

someone with anger problems

jing na is very xmm

by xmmhunterggloldie November 23, 2021

Nas Bedok

best in the world

it's a bird!, it's a plane! it's Nas bedok!!

by stonecoldd November 23, 2021

Nas Bedok

Nas Bedok

it's a bird! it's a plane!.. it's Nas Bedok!!

by stonecoldd November 23, 2021