A two series comedy written by Peter Kay, Neil Fitzmaurice and Dave Spikey about a social club owner and the happenings in his club and the staff and the rivalry between the owner, Brian Potter and Den Perry, an owner of a nearby club.
Absolutely fantastic and very funny indeed, there are some fantastic catch phrases to some out of that show!
Since the show finished there has been a spin off series, also shown on channel 4, following the two doormen, Max and Paddy.
Peter Kay shows he can play numerous characters successfully, many people dont realise he also plays Max.
"Im going to watch Phoenix Nights, its great!"
"garlic bread?!"
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Night of the week where a night club is opened only to teenagers and there is no alchohol in the club. Some underage drinking still occurs outside the club before hand though.
"It was crazy at teen night"
35๐ 23๐
worse than Friday, both by Rebecca Black
It's prom night
Who I gonna dance with?
11๐ 5๐
When you meet a girl under low lit conditions and she looks good but when you see her again in broad day-light she is nasty looking.
Man, she was nasty, I must have had night blindness when I met her.
11๐ 5๐
1. A night where gay fucks from HS dance in GYMS while wearing tuxedo's to get laid for shizzy at the end of the night tho.
2. Waste of time, energy and money. It would be better if guaranteed sex was only thing that happened on prom nights.
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Forty night is the period of 14 days or rather two weeks
I will finish the field work in the next forty night
15๐ 8๐
Code word for a wank which noone else understands apart from us.
*Phone Call*
Adam: Hi Liam!
Liam: Guess what, I just had a huge, messy sunday night; I could have filled up a milk bottle!
Adam: ummmm right.
24๐ 15๐