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who cares lunch

A lunch break that lasts well over the allowed timeframe with participants not worrying about the consequences.

Pat and I had a who cares lunch today at Hooters.

by Noner December 1, 2004

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doctor who fans

A psychotic group of people who believe in a traveling Timelord from the planet Galifrey who travels in a police box that is bigger on the inside.

Human: Why are you wearing a bow tie?
Doctor Who fans : Because bow ties are cool *places fez on top of head*

by welcometo221b April 14, 2015

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

who hurt you

A condescending phrase used to imply that whatever personal bias you have is inherently improper and invalidates your argument, and thus absolves the person using the phrase of actually having to argue legitimately (99% of the time due to them having no debate skills, composure, and the mentality of a five year-old.

Part of the larger family of phrases/retardation that idiots use to try and hide their lack of debate skills/fact checking. Right up there with some dumbass making a general statement with no sources or validity, someone calling them out and asking for such, and said person saying along the lines of β€œOMG I’m gonna act so offended/stupeified you want actual proof that I hope everyone else paying attention glosses over the fact I’m conveniently doing this to avoid looking like a retard!” Instead of giving said proof (because they have none).

Popular on places filled with pseudointellectuals, retards, and cuckolds i.e. reddit.com

Functioning person: I believe women should be held to the same standard as men when it comes to sentencing for crimes, and that divorce courts are hideously biased against men along with the statistics to prove it.

Reddit phaggot: who hurt you??? Incel! Orange man bad! I’m telling my wife’s boyfriend!

by Assey McGee January 20, 2019

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people who suck


People who suck includes: you. You are a person who fucking sucks

by Kaprica November 4, 2019

56πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Who are you, Rockefeller?

a phrase (coined by seinfeld) to be used when somebody does or buys something particularly extravagant. or perhaps when someone is a planning a huge party. can also be used when someone is asking or implying their need for special treatment, as if they are better than everyone else.

Who are you, Rockefeller?

by neverwenttocollege November 16, 2010

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

who gives a shit

brisa gives a shit

brisa : who gives a shit , i don’t

me : think again

by you’re a bitch πŸ‰ May 16, 2020

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Who's Got the Dick?

(Noun) A drinking game that consists of at least two people or more. One participant will start to say, the phrase, "Who's Got the Dick?" while snapping their fingers on the upbeat of every whole note in 4/4 tempo. The other players, in unison, will then respond by pointing to the person who is closest to them and then shout "(-insert person's name who is closest-)'s Got the Dick!". Finally, the player who is the next closest (who has not yet said "Who's Got the Dick?" yet) will say "Who's Got the Dick?" and the cycle repeats.

At the party, they decided to play Who's Got the Dick?.

by McCrapper March 25, 2013

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