Source Code

Past Tense

Used when talking about a historic person or event. It should never be used when referring to present people or events. Written by Tony John Williams.

"He likes this song" explained Dahlia.
"No, Dahlia, he liked this song. "Liked" being the operative word. Always speak in past tense when referring to a past person or event." said Martin.

by NutCracker288 October 7, 2020


When a person drives a vehicle at unimaginable speeds, he's pasting the vehicle.

Macha I came from Hyderabad to Bangalore in like 4 hours ra. I pasted that XUV

by churchStreetBoi January 24, 2021


A copy-pasted piece of cheating software for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Someone: Wait, your cheat's just a paste?
You: Always has been.

by Tazzuu September 5, 2020



"your so pasty"
*fucking vomits*

by BigPotato112617 March 31, 2022

pram paste

A common colloquial for spunk.

I shot my hot pram paste all over her bum.

by willynilly September 28, 2013

Copy and Paste Intelligence

A way of thinking when one can recite large amounts of information for an exam without analyzing that information just to forget it after that information is no longer relevant in their course

Jon thinks he's smart but all he has is copy and paste intelligence

by Heyitsj000 April 20, 2019

Baby Paste

The stuff that Kayla makes when she is excited...

Wow, Kayla. You absolutely covered my balls in your baby paste!

by Pineapple Snapper March 1, 2018