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period mode

When people get pissed at other people and then they go in period mode.

Grim farts in the car, heel wife says, :why do you have to fart asshole" Grim says ummm shes going into period mode

by Seth Rollins dick November 1, 2016

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period eating

the act of performing oral sex on a girl while she is on her period.

Wow Brendan was period eating that girl yesterday. That why his mouth looks like he has red lipstick on it.

by Analdestroyer69 March 19, 2014

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Period no tampon

Some phrase that dumb hoes and thots say to explain that they are fucking autistic

Niggas ain't shit Period no tampon

by L.v.nate July 2, 2019

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Oxford period

The Oxford period is used in lieu of the Oxford (or serial) comma in a sentence, in an effort to make a sentence appear more profound or dramatic than it is. The Oxford period is often used on Tumblr and Facebook.

I'll check her sidebar bio to see what her favorite things are. It says, "Water. Fire. Wind. and Dirt." Nice, a list using the Oxford period.

by Ceabelyo January 12, 2014

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Period bush

the bush a man grows while his significant other is on her period.

my girlfriend is on her period so my period bush is growin' out.

by jerry54328 October 19, 2010

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refactory period

The period of time after a major software release where software developers temporarily suspend work on new features to refactor (cleanup) their code.

Good job pushing out version 2.1, guys. The next month will be a refactory period. Please clean up all the the kludges and hacks in our code.

- Management

by VMP94 November 19, 2017

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Period podge

When your belly gets fat just before your period, due to water retention

god, look at her period podge

by thebubbler May 18, 2011

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