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Poon Scooner

A person be it Male or Female who is in search of sex or a sexual encounter of some sort.

Someone who skips about from one place to the next in serch of Sex. Like a rock skipping across water, only stopping where they may find the Poontang.
Also someone who makes sexual comments or gestures about any random person seen out on the street, in a mall or where ever you might be.

Hey man lets go to the Mall tonight i feel like checking out the ladies.

Dude, your such a Poon Scooner.

by Spazet April 26, 2011

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poon hammock

A pair of boy shorts worn by a desperate groupie in an attempt to attract attention to her crotch area.

She lifted her trampy polka-dot wrinkled pajamas to reveal her poon hammock in an attempt to gain the favor of the rock star at the bar.

by Mrs. Robinson2 November 16, 2010

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Poon Creampie

The worlds largest creampie. There's nothing like a good creampie but a poon creampie is the ultimate! Fill her up big boy.

I have her a poon creampie last night. I couldn't filll her up anymore.

by Sony Ericsson such March 22, 2011

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poon gills

Excessive amounts of labial folds in the poon area, so much so that it appears to have the ability to intake and process oxygen.

I'll bet Octomom has enough poon gills to support at least one of the Great Lakes, or maybe even Sea World.

by Spicahontas February 22, 2011

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Poon Dabbler

One who dabbles with poon, or in other words, has sex with a lot of dirty girls.

Derek- Dude, Johnny told me he had sex with Rachel, Angela, and Veronica last night!

Jake-Ew, those girls are nasty!

Derek- I know what a poon dabbler!

by Firanda Spence October 19, 2009

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poon scoon

a dirty cunt ruffler

your a fucking poon scoon

by calvin Baxendale October 24, 2008

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Poon Typhoon

A guy that is very popular among females and never settles for one particular girl; gets chicks super wet

Damn that guy banged like six girls what a poon typhoon

by h3ro2b February 16, 2011

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