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Baby Dick Rick

When you talk the talk but can't walk the walk. This guy thinks he's a Shooter but is only a dribbler. A suburban outdoorsman who couldn't catch a 5lb bass with bucket full of worms. Likes to dwell in garages while smoking bogues with like minded individuals.

"Wow, that guy has been telling me he's a Shooter, but he comes off like a waterboy"

"Oh, yea, I should have warned you. That guy is just a Baby Dick Rick"

by Dorothy Valmont April 17, 2020

Consensual Rick Roll

The act of intentionally seeking out the music video "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley for listening/viewing pleasure.

I was watching some Rick Astley on YouTube, but don't worry, it was a Consensual Rick Roll.

by SubOv March 15, 2010

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rick and morty weeb

tage is a typical rick and morty weeb

Tage: Have you seen episode 84 in season 6 of rick and morty it's so funny!
Everybody else: Bruh what a rick and morty weeb

by bruh_Teddy September 7, 2020

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Rick Santorum Effect

The more you learn about someone and spend time with them, the less you like them.

Janet: So, how was your date last night?

Valerie: It was ok, it's our 20th date, and I liked him way better when I barely knew him.

Janet: He had a Rick Santorum Effect on you.

by Potterfan344 March 4, 2012

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Rick Rolled

To be completely and utterly dominated by any means sexually or not sexually.

1) When he got hit in the nuts with the golf ball he got rick rolled.

2) "Hey do you think that girl's a virgin?"
"No man, I know her she's been rick rolled plenty of times.

by doinitBIG March 22, 2009

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Rick Perry-ed

When one forgets to say something important and then gets made fun of

Husband: Wow, your the most amazing... uhhh... uhhh...

Wife: ...wife. "Your the most amazing" wife!

Husband: My bad. I just got Rick Perry-ed...

by youknowmeangelface November 13, 2011

o jeez rick


"o jeez rick, this seems dangerous" morty whined. "SHUT THE **** UP MORTY" rick exclaimed.

by PICKLRICK June 19, 2018