When you've gathered with your bros to play Dungeons and Dragons or other brostuff and roll a d20 to determine who will party the hardest.
Holy crap Vin Diesel just rolled a 20 on his party roll and Andrew W.K. popped out from under the table and high-fived us all before jumping on his hoverboard and flying off into the great party in the sky!
A sexual act, typically occurring in prison, involving several stages.
1) The aggressor wraps his member in cellophane, and anally violates the recipient (who is usually a rotund individual), usually after meal time, so that a large amount of fecal material is present.
2) The aggressor then removes the feces-coated cellophane, and inverts it, creating a "roll", filled with "pudding", which he then squeezes out, in a fashion similar to a cake decorator, to create emojis for the recipient's amusement.
3) The recipient then consumes the "pudding", while quoting Bill Cosby Jello pudding pop commercials
Greg hasn't been the same since Will fed him a pudding roll. Now he stares at the wall, and doesn't say anything until you show him a smiley face, then he just yells out, "It's so rich and creamy!"
the most bodacious burger joint!
Double Cheesburger $1.75, Chili Cheese Fries $1.00, Large Drink $1.00-$1.30 (Orange Bang is 30c extra)....
Built in Fry holder, PRICELESS!!!
*Text Message* Hey shmuck, lets do roll inn this week...
*Reply, Text Message* Crazy delicious
It's a sushi roll stuffed with hot dogs, American cheese, and miller lite
I want Asian food, but not real Asian
How about a rambo roll?
>going (physically somewhere)
>Do you feel up to it?
"Hey Bob, I'm going to a sick concert tonight, you tryin' to roll?"
"man that girl is crazy, she invited me out tonight but I'm not tryin' to roll."
When you reject a phone call immediately and force the call to go to your voice mail.
Andrea called me while I was talking to Josh and I bitch rolled her 'cause I don't have time to talk to that bitch.
"you roll a six, you get a bed time"
yo jace, i rolled a 6 and got a bedtime oof. roll a 6