Source Code

mr sus

someone who is very sus

omg its mr sus!

by mrsus42069 September 5, 2022


A mathematical equation to determine the amount of sus someone has (particularly used for someone who's name starts with an e)

After using the E=(sus)² equation Edgars sus levels were crazy high

by Epicturtl3m4n October 21, 2021


A state-of-the-art Russian fighter aircraft. Called the "Terminator" by NATO, this aircraft is on par with most other air-superiority fighters. Some say it is the best, but due to the fact only a few have actually been made, I laugh at this. I'll agree it can MATCH the F-22 Raptor, but the pilot makes up the rest. The Terminator is equiped with thrust vectoring and equal standardized elevators and cardans, meaning they move in opposite directions to turn the craft faster. However, this tecnology is also found on the F-22 and Su-27.

The Su-37 may be on Ace Combat, but I preffer the F-22, as it has stealth :D

by iseeum May 22, 2008

14👍 8👎

sus white

Sus white is that relatable moment when you smoke weed and put some eye drops to not look sus but then you look into the mirror and see how Glossy white they are and that makes you sus!

“Why did you put eye drops!?” “They were red” “yeah but look at how white they are” “ohh shit your right” “dumbass now they are sus white”

by Real af definitely April 16, 2018

4👍 3👎

Sus Chord

When someone is being a moody blank piece of shit person.

Konrad: Yeah, well fuck all of you!
Me: Stop being a fucking Sus Chord ma dude.

by Chabuddz left buttcheek March 21, 2019

3👍 2👎

white sus

something that doesn't exist

"white sus" - black
"It's not white I saw him scan" - purple
white was an impostor
purple was an impostor

by WhoGivesADimeAboutUsernames November 20, 2020

3👍 2👎

I'm not sus

A thing that only the impostor says. Amogus.

Red: Green Sus.
Blue: I saw them vent in electrical.
Green: I'm not sus. (Is sus)

by pseu-odonkayeo1179 October 13, 2021

3👍 2👎