The most fucking idiotic thing to do.
Autism has levels and using autism as an insult is actually not offensive but idiotic as fuck because there's levels of severity of autism. People with level 1 autism are actually usually smarter then people without it.
74π 14π
Hand me a cigarrete.
Not quite sure where this phrase orginates from, but it's used a couple of times by Danny Archer in Blood Diamond.
Archer : "Hey brΓΌ, can you score us a loose?"
Some guy: "Yea sure"
39π 6π
The most boring class you could ever take in high school. your chances of passing it are next to none. do not take us history if you dont already have a 5.0 gpa from taking all honors classes since your freshman year, you hate studying, and your writing skills suck. You are guaranteed to fail if you cannot write a paper. Even practice DBQ's are impossible to pass. youre not even writing the paper and you cant pass! if you choose apush you are screwed in the ass. boring lectures where you take useless notes because theyre not even on the damn test. you wont pass the test unless you study your stupid ID's. yeah, those things that you write who, what, when, where, why and how for a whopping list of sixty things, which takes you about six hours to get through unless you actually have friends. GOOD LUCK. you wont pass one test unless you actually read the sixteen chapters assigned two days before. GOOD FUCKING LUCK.
"do you want to go white water rafting this weekend?"
"no, sorry i cant. im too busy studying for my ap us history test."
251π 65π
The toy store everyone thinks is more expensive then Walmart and Target but usually isn't, at least not by more then a dollar. But people assume anyway and so no one shops there.
Also the worst place to work. Managers only care about you asking every customer if they want a protection plan, batteries, a credit card, a donation for whatever charity the company is promoting at the time, birthday club sign-ups, and reward cards. If you don't as every customer for all those things you will burn in hell and never work more then 2 days a week with 4 hour shifts.
You'll work minimum wage, have to call customers "guests" and co workers "team members" and listen to customers bitch every second about the "no receipt no return" policy in place. If you make eye contact with a guest you have to ask "What can I help you find today?", so most team members try not to look at anyone.
Your managers will sit together in the break room eating lunch all day or computer office and chat about their kids or life while the store needs straightening or there's 1 register open and a huge line. Heaven forbid they do anything but come on their walkie every 5 minutes and tell everyone to sell more protection plans or whatever other add on isn't selling well. The store is usually understaffed every day between the months of january and august. After that they hire in anyone that can use a computer for Christmas season, then fire all of them come December 26.
Your balding CEO denies catering to adults but sells GPS units and adult halloween costumes (on the website). It's this sort of logic that leads the company in circles and ultimately fails at everything it tries to introduce: Pet supplies = mega fail.
It's basically a daycare for poor people. They take their kids to Toys R Us and let them open packages and ride bikes around the store, only to deny ever doing so when confronted to pay for the box they just destroyed while opening it.
They try to rope you in with pictures of how much fun you'll have working there, but it's all lies, there is 0 fun to be had working at a toy store, and that's sad.
I heard Joey got a job at Toys R Us, he starts September 15th!
Yeah too bad he'll only work there for 3 months, if he doesn't quit first.
I can get my xbox 360 cheaper at Walmart, it's 299.97 there, it's 299.99 here! HUR HUR I'm saving money!
182π 46π
Also known as APUSH.
A class where you learn to use historical events and facts to of USA to find a new name for your c rap teacher.
Class which consist of endless reading and outlining. A stressful kick in the nuts for the ones who did not listen to the advice of the past APUSH students. Sucks for you.
No example, I have to go finish my outline for AP US History.
78π 17π
A person who
1) lives outside the United States
2) surround their lives around standardized tests (SAT, SAT II, ACT)
3) try everything to get into a college (usually Ivy League), and does the actions at the expense of other people's well-being
4) retake 2300/2400 SAT scores
5) talk non-stop about AP exams during recess, lunch-time, after school, sports practices (many don't do sports), family dinner, shower, & part of their daily prayers before they go to bed
6) attend multiple private tutoring centres and boast about the greatness of his/her tutor
7) worships the phrase "___, what is your overall average GPA?"
8) does every bit of available volunteer activity, thinking that it will boost their university applications
9) wastes thousands of dollars on university visits and end up getting rejected from most of them
person 1: FAIL! I got 2300. RETAKE
person 2: shut up you US College Whore
person 1: I did 15 APs. I got 14 5s and 1 4. Am I fucked for Harvard?
Person 2: US College whores...f*ck you
84π 19π
A ridiculous doublespeak policy initiated by YouTube on December, 2, 2008, which basically is a way for YouTube to slit their own throat. They now look for videos that contain profanity or whatever (which should be fine because it's not TV, it's YouTube, it's the fucking Internet, and YouTube is the last mainstream forum of self-expression that hasn't fallen victim to political or moral correctness like TV and radio has), and start censoring them by removing their views and sometimes flat-out deleting videos and accounts.
One of the first people to draw attention to it on YouTube was The Amazing Atheist, who explained the dishonesty of such a censorship policy, and that in reality censorship will ruin YouTube, not make it better.
And I don't give a fuck if it's their site and they can do whatever they want. The community of YouTube made it what it is, it's not like YouTube will jump down to being a random porn site just because a few people express themselves by saying "fuck".
A wise user named TheeStranger explained that because Google bought YouTube, they needed to keep foul-mouthed real people like you and me off of the front page of YouTube by "algorithmically demoting" the videos, and promoting fake corporate bullshit like Fred and High School Musical and all kinds of stupid shit that's being advertised. It's only fair that there should be one place that doesn't have to be aimed at a certain audience, where people can express themselves however the fuck they want. That should be YouTube, after we made it what it is. The Internet may not be a place for kids, so the fuck what? The responsibility lies with the parents, they don't have to fucking sculpture everyone else so their virgin ears don't get hurt.
What YouTube doesn't realize is that people will start going to other sites to express themselves with this authoritarian bullshit, and YouTube will fall. That's just how it is, if YouTube doesn't pull the knife from it's throat, it'll just bleed out and they'll have done it themselves.
A Sheepish YouTuber Who Kisses Ass to the Policies: youtube needs censorship, lol, its their site they can do what they want!
A YouTuber Who Doesn't Take Free Speech For Granted: Are you listening to yourself? Quit kissing their ass and realize that they're murdering the last well-known place of free expression that hasn't been dumbed down for the masses, and that this will get worse if we don't come to terms with what YouTube has done for our culture. We must voice ourselves and our opinions, because it's who we are, not everybody can vent in public places, YouTube is the last public forum where people are better at being themselves, and that we should defend the right. Sure, they own the site, but we made it what it is. It's wrong that they should use us, loose us then deny us what's rightfully ours. I mean, if you can't realize that about a website, are you ever gonna be prepared to fight for free speech for a nation? This "A YouTube For All of Us" policy contradicts itself, because it's not about all of us at all, it's about their corporation and their youth target audience of stupid eleven year old Disney channel girls.
Sheepish YouTuber: lolz iz their site they can do what they want!!
Free-Thinking YouTuber: *sigh*
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