A term to refer to a group or community of neurodivergent women.
First coined by Orange_Possum_Special
I came in here to say “well it’s because of the ADHD” but I don’t have to because 8990 of my sisters in spice are here to preach that particular gospel…
That stuff that gets on your food when you’re camping and you drop it.
Jerry ate his hotdog, even though it was covered in camping spice.
A Spice Cadet is an Ice Spice fan
“i love ice spice”
“same, i’m a Spice Cadet, too.”
Some one that smokes mamba and gouch all day in a trans
Check that spice head proper loving the spice life
Usually followed by the rubbing of the thumb, index, and middle finger. "That's spice" is used when something is cool or an action is executed perfectly. Using this with your friends will immediately turn you into a group of faggotoni pepperonis.
"Watch me sink this half court shot," "Bet!" *Sinks shot* "That's spiceeeeee"
A girl (from any racial or ethnic background) who likes brown guys.
This term is to be used in a playful and confident way to highlight the passion between interracial dynamics, not to fetishise.
Friend 1: “Sarah is a spice seeker. She only dates brown guys.”
“Sounds good to me 😏”
When you get done eating spicy food such as Buffalo wings or flaming hot Cheetos and you get hot sauce on your fingers; you immediately start fingering your girlfriend two in the pink and one in the stink, which will spice up sex.
Speaker 1: Man dude, I really started spicing her up during sex last night!
Speaker 2: What do you mean?
Speaker 1: I fingered her two holes with hot sauce on my fingies.
Speaker 2: Cringes at the thought.