Source Code

Triple Tap

The act of firing 3 rounds of a semiautomatic/automatic gun usually to the target's head or heart in very fast succession. This shooting technique is most effective when the target is still. Similar to the "double tap", the triple tap is used to inflict maximum destruction to the target before he/she has time to move or run. Typically used more often when one is in possession of a lower caliber weapon to ensure stopping power. For instance, a .50 desert eagle would not require this technique. (as a single bullet in the arm with a .50 would likely amputate the limb).

Boss: Well Anderson, how did the mission go?

Agent: Great Director, I busted in the place and seen that there was only one terrorist within sight... I wasn't really worried about ammo at that point so I triple tapped that sand nigger right between the eyes and he dropped like rock!! His brains were painted all over the wall boss, it was a hell of a sight!!

Boss: Great job Anderson, keep your performance up and you'll have a raise in no time!! Now go fetch me a coffee, BLACK!!

by Agent Killzalot July 27, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

triple beaming

Triple Beaming: To be drunk,high on marijuana,and thizzin(high on E) at the same time.

Person 1-Hey man,Im going to a party we're gonna get wasted.

Person 2-Nah, I think I'm gonna be triple beaming that night.

Person 1-Ohh sh*t dogg

by Bill Clint June 12, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

triple c's

dont get high on them

I had a bad Trip yo on triple c's.

by bad tripper October 20, 2007

68๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

triple digits

triple digits is an expression used for when you do dirty good on something, usually something in school, like a test, or an essay.

triple digits comes from 100%, which in case you are a complete idiot is three digits

triple digits can also be used as a verb, as in triple digitED

Cho guy look at this test triple digits man brrap brrap!

BooYA! tooootally triple digited my science exam

by suckmyback February 18, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple Bass

A bird who is totally amazing and well tupable

Look at that triple bass!!! She is amazing

by Phil yer pants Macefield September 26, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple M

Kevin P, known as the "Master Muff Manipulator", hence the name Triple M. Kevin P loves classic tight wet young muff, he has mastered the art of diving into that puss and playing it like a fiddle. Within the manic ridden years Kevin P has learned to play women's hearts like a harmonious instrument forged from the depths of Parthe Player Pimp Status Blood. He has gone around for the last few years and took a head first dive into all different kinds of muffs, Kevin strongly believes in diversity, especially when it comes to cunts. He will break hearts, burn souls, and ruin lives if it means a nice fine wet pussy.

Did you get any muff last night? Yeah, I'm the Triple M muthafucker!

by The Sick Fucking Man September 7, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple J

Triple J (Otherwise known as "Triple the Gay"): The WORST Radio station in Australia. Popular with people who cant deal with being mainstream, scenesters, emo's, Ravers with glowsticks, Generation X'ers and the general dregs of society who have a severe case of "Unwarranted self-importance". This radio station will play every "underground" never before heard crap made by know-nothing, known-by-no-one backyard bands. What they call music would make some dogs howl in terror. The radio presenters themselves are the paramount of un-funny douchbaggery.

What I hear when forced to listen to "Triple J" by the people in the office who have control of the radio all day:

"Hey listeners! Scott "Drool" Dooley, and Robby "Dumbfuck" Buck coming at you with yet another unheard of accoustic nightmare, BLISS N ESO! get your rusty spoons ready to dig out those eardrums!"

by LiquidM4 May 19, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž