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Vermont vegan straightedge

a group of self righteous protentious blowhards including but not limited to jaredx, owen xvx, danny, xgarrettx, bister xvx, who go around beating people up for smoking at hardcore shows

dude owenxvx from the Vermont vegan straightedge punched me in the face for smoking at oddfellows

by vthc September 20, 2008

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second wave veganism

New, improved veganism, that is more about saying yes to things instead of being all negative and saying no. Some of these things can be, for example, meat.

Jill: You're not a vegan.
Jane: I'm new wave vegan, it's a second wave veganism.
Jane: Veganism for me is about saying yes to things... even meat.
Susan: Well, let's hope it doesn't get out of hand... we don't want it to develop into a vegan spank inferno.
Jane: If you like animals, you'll love lamb!

by Superior knowledge February 19, 2015

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meat loving vegan

Someone who wants to confuse the absolute bollox out of you when it comes to a dietary conversation.

Can't be clear on if they are a meat eater or they are a vegan.

Waiter "Do you have any dietary requirements?"
Person - "Oh, I'm a meat loving vegan".
Waiter - "So, that's a no then?

by Irechan April 25, 2017

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Vegan from the deacon

A nice way to say your a virgin.

A way that vegan chicks say they are virgins.

Friend: I bet he has a big piece of meat for you

You: no I'm a vegan from the deacon

by Mara121 November 17, 2017

bella the vegan dog

the goodest girl in the history of existence itself

1:oh yes
1:you know what? im gonna talk with her!*loads 12 gauge shotgun*
2:*picks up chainsaw*and ill go with you!
3:GENTLEMEN!I HEARD YOUR CONVERSATION!*opens garage with an m1 abrams tank inside it* may i join?

by jai_jacman September 1, 2021

world vegan day

World Vegan Day is a national event celebrated on November 1st every year where vegans everywhere come together and celebrate their year long fast of meat by eating an entire human baby.

Vegan 1: Dude, last World Vegan Day was great! I can't eat another bite
Vegan 2: Yeah, there is no meat more tender

by BeefiestBurrito November 21, 2017

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Born Again Vegan

A newly-converted vegan who now believes that the whole world must be converted because he/she has "seen the light". This person is characterized by one or more of the following: 1) Capitalizing the word vegan, 2) Getting a vegan tattoo to show the world just how "vegan" they are, 3) Wearing vegan shirts, 4) Applying vegan stickers to their car. They are of course the equivalent of the Born Again Christian who gives all other Christians and in this case vegans, a bad name. Finally, they make it their life's purpose not to just try to save animals, but to make sure EVERYONE knows about it.

"Hey, did you invite Sally to the protest?" "I didn't, she's a total born again vegan and I am afraid she'll just push people away. She actually hurts the cause now".

by animalaw May 4, 2012

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