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Doche Waffle

A complete tool that thinks he is a lot more than he actualy is. most likely has been ejeculated on over thirty times in his life time

George Bush is a Doche Waffle

by Jblue2010@live.com February 18, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghetto waffles

The waffles born and raised in the ghetto, yall!

Those ghetto waffles are slamin`.....dawg? AM I saying that right? Dawg.

by Twisted Gamer February 21, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

waffle crapper

A girl that is so hot she could crap on a plate of your waffles, and you would forgive her -- you might even get turned on by it. The term is also meant to show contempt for waffle crappers who use their waffle-crapper-ness to take advantage of guys.

Our waitress took a sip of my drink before she brought it to the table. If she wasn't such a waffle crapper, I'd probably be upset.

by Leroy of the Lame Ingineers November 29, 2004

263๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blue Waffle.

It's not real!!!

Dont you think it's odd that there's only ONE photo of this 'well known disease'?

If you search the web for pictures I assure you you'll only find the same one that has been circulating the net for months.

And if you study it closely, you can actually see that they have just taken a picture of a vag and coloured it in, you can tell because it's really sketchy.

However, I'm pretty sure those lumps of puss are somewhat real, but a different infection.

Blue waffle, blue waffle.

Is not true.

Totally fake.

by Lalala6669 June 29, 2010

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Purple Waffle

The presence of a severe vaginal infection (known as a blue waffle) during a woman's period. Also known as "mouldy flow" or "cheese paint".

Holy shit man I was gonna go down on that chick but her purple waffle was so disguisting it looked like someone stepped on a toad. I chundered all over her floor and got the fuck out of there.

by supermario k May 11, 2010

311๐Ÿ‘ 268๐Ÿ‘Ž

blue waffle

This is a physical action where a body part is twisted until it has lost circulation and turns blue. A fly swatter is then used to slap the area until a waffle mark is imprinted. Usually requires two people.

Harry: I've got the flu swatter
Sally: ok, I've started turning blue here from the lack of circulation
Harry: *swats*
Sally: we just made a really nice blue waffle

by deejay_steve June 3, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

chicken & waffles

tha greatest accomplishment of the african americans, a fine african american dish made by a man named roscoe

get me some chicken and waffles, BEE-yotch

by tha SHIZ-NICK January 10, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž