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L walk

Smoking an L or blunt while walking. Generally considered to be a last resort as walking somehow manages to detract from your high. Likely a spin-off of L ride

I'm not tryin to waste any gas, you wanna L walk it?

by matty mcG January 23, 2007

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monkey walk

the way you walk when you go to take a shit and then realize that there is no toilet paper so you have to half squat and waddle to go get more toilet paper in order to keep shit from spreading all over your ass.

Eric: Dude theres no fuckin toilet paper in the bathroom
Karl: There was some TP in my room
Eric: Yeah I know, I did the monkey walk to grab it so I didnt get shit all over my ass

by E-Janks March 14, 2010

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Walking Joke

A walking joke is the guy (or girl) that is the brunt of most jokes within a group of friends. This could mean one of two things; they are just made fun of by their friends and others for no reason or they are actually clumsy and easy to make fun of.

Ellen: "Tim, there's a hole in your bathing suit! HAHAHAHAH"
Lauren: "Tim, your shirt is stupid hahah"
Forrest: "Tim, you must be a walking joke! HAH"
Tim: *through muffled tears as he walks away* "I hate my life"

by forrestgumpiii July 27, 2011

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walking boner

A very hot bitch, which in most cases causes a hard on.

That chick Dakota has a rocking body, she's a walking boner.

by Canonball_DGeorge March 15, 2007

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a walk to remember

a film used to make people cry. if you want to cry just watch this film.

damn im feeling so depressed today...time to get out a walk to remember...

by muna05 October 5, 2008

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ghost walk

a ghost walk is where you leave a party/night out without saying bye to your friends.

A ghost walk is primally used when you know your night has finished and you don't want the hassle of your mates trying to keep you out later than you have to when all you want is a sofa and a joint..

the second instance of the ghost walking is made more like a mission, you and if someone else is ghosting you come up with a plan of how to get out of the venue without being seen.

once you are outside of the venue switch off your phone and give it legs pink panther style laughing like idiots coz you are free.

Windsor "dude what happened to you last night?"

Will "me and our kid ghost walked, phantom style"

Windsor "I'm well tall"

by yepson tsoane April 25, 2006

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Slut Walk

In 2011, a Toronto police officer named Michael Sanguinetti suggested that to remain safe from sexual assault, "women should avoid dressing like sluts." This logic is akin to "If you don't want to get robbed, you probably should not walk around bare-assed with $100 bills taped to your tits." or "If you don't want your car stolen, then don't keep your keys in the ignition, stupid!" It's common sense that with every crime, comes preventative measures to avoid foolish risks.... except, of course, when it comes "Womyn's" issues. Since feminists are known to get butthurt over any suggestion that a woman should take ANY responsibility for her own actions in ANY situation EVER, they predictably responded to Sanquinetti's logical (yet sexist... obviously) remark with a protest known as Slut Walk.

Slut Walks consist of mostly unattractive, usually androgynous, always sexually ambiguous collegiate sufferers of first-world problems that dress in boner-inducing clothing for the purpose of, you know.... respect and to be taken seriously. Slut Walks are the epitome of irony, since most participants are "wimmin" who most self-respecting men would not want to fuck in the first place, let alone take the time, effort, and risk of prison to rape them.

The greatest example of Slut Walk's fail and hypocrisy occurred in Brasilia around May 2012. During the course of this Slut Walk called "Marcha Da Vadias," when thousands of "proud sluts" were walking around half-naked (and in some cases exposing their funbags and vagoos,) a male had the audacity to do the exact same fucking thing and expose himself. Take note that this man DID NOT approach or assault anyone at any time when his dick was popping out through his zipper, but OF COURSE the protesters responded with monkey shit-fits and literally trying to physically harm this purveyor of justice and equal rights.

So, the moral of the story is that any "possessor of the cunt" has the privilege of breaking every decency law in the book without being oggled at or appropriately called a "slut" by her patriarchal oppressors, but any penis-wielder better keep his clothes on (out of shame and modesty) or one of these "warriors of equal rights" will either kill you, or castrate you, or kill you then castrate you, or castrate you then kill you... then claim "almost raped."

by skawtee December 21, 2013

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