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An insult referring to a black person as a slave. And MUST only be used if the person talking is BLACK and no other exception.

Black person: hey my nigga

Another black person: nigga

by Mich04 May 9, 2020


The people on Paris.

Man 1: Whos in Paris?
Man 2: Niggas

by I_Am_Amogus February 28, 2021



ME a Nigga

by Thaumi3l February 12, 2022


Was originally a slur to black people,

But now it's how black people call their


Chad: Yo my nigga! Guess what I almost drowned!
Jay: Chad please you said the same thing yesterday,stop putting yourself in danger.

by Jacksonville739 February 17, 2020


Term Used Within The Black Community.
Turning The Word "Nigger" Something So Negative Into The Word "Nigga" Something We Made Our Own.

White Person Can't Use The Word Nigga Because It Will Be Sonething Once Again They Will Take Over And Call Their Own Or Take It To Far.

by ForRealz2020 March 14, 2016


Something some Mexicans can say but NO WHITE PERSON CAN SAY AT ANY TERMS

Jose: Nigga you crazy
Jerome: Lmao stfu
Timmy: Dats my nigga

Jerome: *shots fired
(Police sirens)

by wavvy.jay November 12, 2019


It's a cool word u refer to ur homies or brothers, it can be racist if u ain't black, though i disagree on this logic

Eyy yo what's poppin nigga?

by Crabotex8 December 8, 2018