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moke sain like

it's mean like fuck off

what the hall are you talking about moke sain like alright

by thar sis May 13, 2021

be built like

someone looks like or his physical form is weird/unique or when your trying to insult someone saying for example:

nathan: damn that bitch be built like a blimp lmao
xenon: her boyfriend be built like a duck shithouse LOL

nathan and xenon: LMFAO

by boi u be built like an acronym April 12, 2021

sweating like a pig

Heavy sweat from anxiety.

A southern saying that I grew up with, but not sure where it came from. "sweating like a pig, who knows he's for dinner?"

by gayburns7 August 9, 2015

1👍 10👎

Like a flame to a golf ball.

Like a flame to a golf ball, it means it was very easy or simple

Andy: So how was the basketball game?
Noah: Pfft, like a flame to a golf ball.

by ae303902293 December 13, 2021

feel like butt

When you are not feeling the greatest, you feel like butt.

Hey man are you okay?

No man, I feel like butt.

by mymy. September 19, 2022

looking like a foot

An Individual so ugly they appear to resemble a foot.

Damn the brother GotGotted so ugly he looking like a foot.

by zBxnq June 28, 2024

idiot who looks like shit

Patrick Stjerne

Descripe Patrick Stjerne: idiot who looks like shit :)

by FuckPS January 9, 2018