How Vonage captions their "people do stupid things" TV ads to cover their a**es legally.
Note: This blonde lady actually DID know better than to enter the water to play with the "dolphins", and fake shark-fins were used in the production of this advertisement. Do not attempt in real life.
a short hand for hundred
“Just made a do’ off tips last night.”
Going out with a someone of the female species, despite being gay,
Aka doing a dugmeister on it
Yeah he’s doing a Duggan on it
She’s only his Duggan job
Do a Trevor, is a work place phrase when someone wilfully slows down so much that the they cannot complete allocated tasks in given time. Do ( ing ) a Trevor usually results in one or more of your colleagues having to take up the slack and complete your work.
Worker 1 - How was yesterdays shift
Worker 2 - Far to much for me had Do a Trevor and only got 3/4s if it done