World’s best boyfriend!!!!
Girl1: Who is that guy?
Girl2: His name is Henny C....the world’s best boyfriend.
Girl1: Ohhhh you mean Oreo’s man... he is is the best. Have you seen how good he is to her? GOALS
A female reproductive organ; Vagina.
"Bro. Did you get any poo-c last night?"
"naww... she had a boyfriend .-."
A word that stands for “Lets Go Bomb The Church.”
Person 1: Hey man you wanna LGBT(C)
Person 2: Nah man I’m already doing that with my wife
Person 1: Ah alright.
A very special person with a very big heart and big head :)
Look at that c bug crawling down the street.
1👍 1👎
Something that every conner has, it's a mutated version of aids but it has the symptoms of swelling, skin turning red, holes forming in the chest that leak pus and mucus, hump forming in the back your face gets massive pimples that leak carbon monoxide and if you don't wash within 3 days of a conner touching you then you'll slowly gain all of these also back pain and poor posture.
Dude did you hear Joshua got c aids
No bro I didn't know that we should avoid him
C,Jay is a cute beautiful lovable girl who Is super talented. She has the cutest laugh and all the boys love her. She can do anything she puts her mind to and always trying to make everyone happy. She is strong willed and stubborn. Although she has some hard times she is always happy
Girl: ugh I wish I was a C,Jay she is so perfect
Girl: ugh I know me to
A bloody nightmare some are nice will most are horrible , they say mean things and are mostly just not nice.!
Aren't you a James C