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Madison is a "therapy friend," always helping others. She is typically taller, has either brown or red hair, and has brown eyes. She tries to look reserved and professional but lets her fun crackhead vibes show with her friends. Madisons are extremely talented (especially with drawing usually) and compassionate. Try your best not to lose a Madison, she will never fail to put a smile on your face.

I'm really depressed these days, but at least my study partner is a total Madison, so I have a good support system.
XD You're insane, Madison.

by Fishum Eternum January 26, 2022


People always wanna talk shit about me like i don’t care I don’t give a fuck like y’all think I care like y’all calling me ugly and shit like God made us the same way so if you’re calling anybody ugly even me you’re ugly the one who said it so yaul can’t be talking with your ugly asses and like and all these people that say I can not play a game right bull shit I bet you can’t even get one score like I don’t care

Vent to a phone like a Madison

by Larry Bob September 7, 2019


Pretty shrexy kid she looks pretty but she is a car lover at heart

Omg she looks really madison today

by Ferrariiscool June 9, 2024


a snake, will take any chance to stab your back

nik:"are you still with madison??"
Evanas:"nah shes a snake"

by notevanas October 13, 2020


the first girl to get your tongue down her sweet mouth a great souled and happy spirited baby girl that just wants to talk to the man and make sure he has had his fill and is feeling alright when she puts her shoes on and gossips I don't know if shes flirting with me or just wants to see if I get a boner

I'm gonna go sit with madison to talk about some real shit

by bigmancheese October 11, 2021


One the greatest names alive and Madison’s tend to be very smart and loyal have good grades

Hello Madison how’s your day?

by Ajhggg December 18, 2021


A kind person that loves to be an idiot sometimes when around someone that she likes or knows very well. She is the prettiest person you can ever meet and her cuteness will make you love her to bits.

Boy 1: do you see madison she is the best person.
Boy 2: yeah I see her I think I like her there is just something about her that makes me like her.

by Myegghurts October 11, 2022