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Zoe Pemberton Laverne

Zoe Pemberton Laverne is a famous influencer. Many people support her for her kindness, happiness. She has a fandom called zonuts. Zoe has made some very bad choices, so people also don’t support her for that reason.

I love Zoe Pemberton Laverne ! She’s so kind, I follow her on all socials<3

by Mia the moo April 24, 2021

Zoe Lavape

a master manipulator, a liar, and the star of tik tok.

girl 1: kys

girl 2: why would you say that! im a fan.

girl 1: i guess you could call me Zoe Laverne!

Zoe lavape wore a durag even though she isnt black, she told fans to end their lives, and most importantly she blames her fans for all the mistakes she makes.

by kassimwah September 10, 2020

Zoe roberts

The meaning of life

I found the meaning of life and its Zoe roberts

by Riffwaffle August 29, 2022

Super Zoe

A beautiful women that saves lifes through her love and compassion. She is always there when you need her and she'll be there with a smile. Cuz she truly love everyone... Is you are dating this Zoe you are very luck. Don't ruin it.

Super Zoe has saved the day

by Sup-er Zo-e November 19, 2019

Zoe Munikwa

Zoe is a 5'2 cutie, with the most contagious laugh
Her Ideal type is a white brunette guy who is 5'8 and who is really funny and caring
May I MENTION AGAIN that Zoe is an absolute catch and anyone would be lucky to date her.
She is also the responsible-ish one in some situations

''WOAH Zoe Munikwa just smiled at me and know my whole day has gotten better,'' said Zoe's future husband.
"I can't believe Zoe has no enemies".

by Zoe's Bestie May 29, 2023


1. (Noun): someone who may see many people as attractive, but only wants to be with one person. They do not cheat, lie or steal, even though most people they know do those things. But the zoe-seccsual is not a follower, they would rather be the change they wish to see in the world.
2. (Noun): someone that had the most beautiful woman the gods have ever blessed us dear mortals with and like a fool he let her go because she wanted something he was afraid of. Children and marriage. His name is Robert.

The world knew Ricky was a zoe-seccsual the moment he found a wallet in a parking lot, put the identification on the outside of it with a rubber band, took the money for his service and placed the wallet and all contents other than $10 in the public mail bin to be returned to the owner.

by Batterybob February 9, 2024

Fire Zoe


Fire Zoe is amazing

by November 4, 2022