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Australian Air Pocket

The act of flagellating on oneself and the flagellants gets trapped between the anus and the back of the scrotum causing a tickling sensation.

Aaron ate a lot of beans an farted giving himself an Australian Air Pocket.

by Kamo89 January 2, 2023

Australian Candlestick

A way to pleasure yourself, or another person, in which a taper candle, or other skinny candle is placed in the rectum and lit as a form of wax play. (If wax enters the anus a wick may be placed inside the still melted wax and lit again)

Did you hear that Ryan Reynolds had to do the Australian Candlestick in his newest film? There was wax everywhere!!

by Skidmore Muncy December 10, 2024

Australian Boogie

Sex with an individual whom has hairy junk.

T: Picked up a lovely gal last night and I did the Australian Boogie.

B: What is that?
T:I went dancing in the bush

by SnorkelingWombat April 23, 2015

Australian Reacharound

A regular reacharound except you're both hanging upside down. Sometimes called the Auzzie Roundabout. It doesn't have to be homosexual, you can do this with a man or woman and sometimes you can switch roles, but role switching would involve a strap-on depending on the gender of those involved.

"The Australian reacharound is a very intimate position and is recommended towards married couples."

by ItzzStupidCrazy September 20, 2019

Australian Skitz

The "australian Skitz" is a male person , which always screams like a woman and ist 24/7 horny and ready to slorp n glorp his brothers dongs.

"oh Jeremy got a little to exited last night he went full Australian Skitz on me and started glorping

by Yeehaw my mans January 30, 2025

australian kiss

a french kiss, but down under

person 1: yea, we australian kissed

person 2: damn dude, can't believe you went down there

by zephyrscylla March 20, 2023

Australian kiss

Like a French kiss but down under and outback

Have you ever had a Australian kiss

by Pook831 March 1, 2024