A ‘Backwards Badger’ is a regi dab, ‘regdaB’
Are you kidding me bro, that’s not gas that’s a Backwards Badger
A vehicle containing an ex-significant other and at least two of their friends yelling obscenities at you from open windows.
"Melissa just rolled up in a Badger Wagon while I was having lunch with my boss. After what they said, I don't think I'm getting that promotion."
When you flatulate, say this to let others know you've farted but you don't want to say it outright. Originated from Invercargill we believe, and can also be shortened to 'maccy badge'
*farts* 'mackerel badger!' teacher: what? class: *giggles*
A recently single legend of the game who's reputation procedes him and is hitting the dating scene like a bat out of hell.
"Dude I'm single again, Its time for the rise of the fanny badger."
"The fanny badger is reborn"
A dirty homeless man who scrounges for young girls in mysterious places such as the woods, wasteland and your garden
"Look, John! It's that dirty old fanny badger again!"
he still hold the word record of the biggest pp in the world but previously it was 14 inches now it 17inches he has a new love of his life but this one is actually gonna last forever and they don't think that they will last forever they know they will his new love of his life is the most funniest, gorgeous, cutest, sexiest person in the world he loves her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much she is the most important thing in the world to him he will never do anything to hurt her and is that lucky to have her and is the only thing he can think about she never leaves his mind .
reminds me of the Seth badger relationship
the act of after performing a gnarly guch spat, taping your wanggalang to inner thigh to ensure minimum to no floppage.
During high knees in practice today, I was comforted to know that my Badger Spat was providing protection from high fricion of my dick head and my thighs.