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anything with a ph higher than 7

person 1: hey how basic is that bleach
person 2: i think it has a ph of around 11 so id say its really basic

by woloexe September 24, 2020


anything with a ph higher than 7

person 1: whats the ph of bleach again?
person 2: i think it’s around a ph of 11
person 1: thats pretty basic if i do say so myself

by woloexe September 24, 2020



Bella is a basic bitch!



A thing that someone/something does that is very common.

Person A: ‘bout to go get some Starbucks
Person B: Could you be any more basic?

by IamPerson4 December 30, 2017


Buying soda from sam's club

Juelz Crosby is so basic, look at his great value soda.

by JuelzCrosby June 5, 2019


Someone who:
Drinks starbucks every day
lives at chipotle
probably has the latest iphone
straightens their hair even if its already straight
has thin af hair
follows all the trends
probably owns a james charles palette
has a wildflower case
only ever wears high waisted pants
owns 1234729+ pairs of black leggings
loves pink
takes pictures of everything she eats
owns SOMETHING marble
crop tops 4 life
takes so many selfies
thinks shes a photographer but actually puts a fliter over her picks

and last but not least....
denies shes basic

omg, Samantha has starbycks in one hand and her iphone x in the other. UGH! Sooooo basic

by Lollypoprover April 7, 2019


Basic is a way to describe the average white person. They always follow trends and use constant Social media. Another word for someone who is basic is a thot.

Normal person: hey where do you want to eat

Basic person: Starbucks, I hear they have a new frappachino

by One shooty boi June 28, 2018