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He’s an asshole Nuff said

Oh yea I know Ben! I fuckin hate him

by Double ender December 11, 2018

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Pasty white nigga that thinks he gangsta even though he lives in a suburban white neighborhood next to an 80 year old women with twenty cats who hates japs because β€œpearl harbour you dick wad”. On his other side is a 40 year old Arab guy that probably did 9/11. Ben likes to sip Lean in his free time and he calls black people slaves on the internet because his self confidence is non existent. Ben likes to brag that his dad is a famous β€œnigga hunter” and gets paid to kill blacks.

Black Person 1: Ay Tyrone, you see that Cracker Ben just shot a nigga for his weed.
Black Person 2: Yeah my G, Duran, he thinks he black or something.
Black Person 3: Yeah tomorrow we go clap that nigga, yeah.

by Xx_Pu5sy!N1bBa_xX November 9, 2018

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Ben: a person who licks big cocks and loves bible bashing with his dad.

Example: look at that Ben over there, he's a dutty slut.

by The ring March 11, 2019

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An evil and mean person in an endless battle to bully you. This person won’t be very kind to you or nice but would still expect you to give them your sweets.

Ben is a bad person

by Shshevrbhs November 27, 2018

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A guy you can make friends with , shoves his dick in about every hole he can find, sometimes loud at a young age then just a straight up idiot when older,

Guy 1 : hey that Ben looks pretty cool, I'm gonna make friends with him
Guy 2: yeah ,to bad his dicks all dirty.

by LDM_2004 July 23, 2017

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some one who doesn't understand the concept of Granddad and usually gets confused and usually confident in the wrong awnsers

stop being a ben

by BatiBoi69 October 17, 2017

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A homosexual man who loves to put things up his rectum. He is also quite into incest. He always looks lost and confused and never has any idea as to what is going on.

Sbeve: Is that ben?
Cletus: Of course it is! Look, he has something up his ass!
Sbeve: Oh yea, gotta stay away from that guy.

by fetusyeetusthedeletus April 9, 2019

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