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the best friends

1. A vulgar term which means the male penis and the female vagina; basically saying that the penis and vagina are best friends.

2. Your 'person' who will be there for you no matter what. Who shares their secrets, and laughs at your corny inside jokes and practically lives at your house. Who, if hurt by you, wil tell you to your face, and apologize if they hurt you. If they don't either you're wrong, or they're just not your best friend

guy: hey ya know, we're best friends in a way

girl: (thinks to herself: AH HELL NAH!)
in which way?

guy: because of our genitals! my penis is your vagina's best friend! they're the best friends, right?

girl: (thinks: OMIFRIGGINGOSH!)

by sunshiny-daytona July 23, 2009

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You're the best

An argument that me and my SO keeps on having which they are the best. Dom is the best

You're the best SO I can ever have.

by That.1.artist April 11, 2022

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Best friend

A person whom you can share anything with. A best friend I.e bsf is an example of Luna and Zadie

β€œLuna, you’re my best friend I would do anything for you.” Said zadie

by Champion lunayyy October 13, 2019

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Best Friend

Someone you can insult as much as possible and still force to buy you food.

"You waste of oxygen, get your fat ass off the couch. I'll be at your house in 5."
"I was trying to take a nap. I hope you trip and die on the way in the door."
"Gee, so glad to have you for a best friend."

by Hesebe July 25, 2016

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Best Friend

Instead of keeping your friends from making stupid decisions, you film them as fuck up their whole lives

"good friends help you up when you fall, best friends push you back down and laugh."

by S-l-u-t March 14, 2019

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Best friend

A best friend is that one person in your life, who no matter what will always be by your side. Your best friend will always be there for you no matter what, and they are not embarrassed to be around you in public, because they have gotten used to all the stupid things you say and do. A best friend is someone you can spend all of your time with, and tell them anything. A best friend is there when you accomplish something great, or fail miserably. A best friend is the person your closest to.

My best friend Kyle and I have been best friends since freshmen year of high school, and we do everything together.

by Boomerang Sanchez November 23, 2013

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Best friends

Two people who never get tired of each other. Who has there back no matter what. Who you can be your self around. Do crazy things together.do things together. Fight together. To not leave each other behind. Know everything about you. When you guys think alike. Who seen you naked. To know your deepest secrets. Can't stay mad at. Can cry in front of. Spend money on each other.

Saylee: we're not just friends
Derray:we're best friend
Saylee and Derray are best friends

by Ray.ray July 30, 2015

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