something really bad or awful. Typically a person place or thing.
"Did you hear that new album Whole Lotta Red?"
"yeah that shit was boof"
The act of inserting an object into the anus in order to hide or store it; typically drugs in order to avoid being caught.
Al Capone was said to have boofed many bottles of liquor in order to get those few extra bucks.
She so thicc she could prolly boof a watermelon!
In south-west Florida, boof is a term used as a street name for meth, or M
“Ay bruh, you wanna piece of this boof? Shit got me booted.”
In south west Florida, the term boof is used to say meth, or m.
“Ay bruh you wanna toke on sum of dis boof, shit got me booted”
Another term for weed. Most commonly used to describe a blunt but can be used to describe weed in general. Additionally can be used to described to act of smoking said Boof in present and past tense.
Person 1: "hey bro you look mad blitzed right now, you good homes?"
Person 2: "yea papi, I just finished shmoofing the boof"
Person 2 : "yea papi, I just finished boofing that kush"
Something that doesn’t work, or doesn’t seem cool.
“Look you can go on that ride” -mom
“Hell nah. I don’t wanna go on that boof ass ride” -6 year old son