A description of how the clouds look at sunrise.
While on the beach 🏖 for sunrise, in Cape May NJ, my girlfriend says, “The clouds are so beautiful, they look like “Cotton Candiddy”
The worst opinions about media: (ei. Movies, video games, tv shows)
Person 1: Hey did you hear that Gianni thinks Clone Wars is bad?
Person 2: Yeah, straight Cottone Opinion
When you insert your, and only your balls into a woman’s backside.
“Yo Cade totally dipped cotton candy apples with Julia last night.”
“He did what!?”
“When you put the balls in the behind? That’s bobbin’ for cotton candy apples”
When you gotta poop right away. Because your poop is touching your cotton under wear.
Hey man; I gotta go take a shit right now! It's knockin on cotton!!
dry lips; the feeling you get when you need chapstick
Wow, I’ve got cotton lips. I need chapstick!!
The act of ricing a Japanese car, but done by black people.
Hey man, you see that thugged out RX-8? Who puts port holes, DUB rims, and candy paint on a Mazda? They need to stop cottoning nice cars and go back to their donks.
That's an old ass building. Watch out for the cotton cancer.