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Extreme Creeper Window

Facebook news feed window that allows you to view status updates and postings of people who are not your friends.

Ability to view news feeds of people other then your friends.

"They're having a party at Jennifer's house. I wasn't invited, I saw it posted on the extreme creeper window".

by ÜberFpoon December 12, 2011


When your spouse or significant other is in bed with the flu, you sneak into bed and start pounding her from behind. Then offer her a tablespoon of semen instead of nyquil.

My wife stayed home sick today, I think at lunch Ill go home and give her the infected sleeper creeper.

by packattack September 29, 2009

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Curly haired creeper

any person as the name implies with curly hair who facebook stalks or lurks around building corners unbeknownst to others

"Oh my god, look at Susie, she is such a curly haired creeper!"

by skaryredhead May 19, 2009

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First Rain Creeper

A person, male or female (but typically male), who visits the UCSC campus during first rain, in hopes of seeing naked college kids running around. They often have either trucks, cameras, or both.

*After getting in the bed of a truck to get a ride back home after the first rain celebration, naturally, everyone in the truck other than the driver is naked*
"So you look kind of old to be a college kid."
"I don't go here. I just like to come up when it rains."

"Eww, first rain creepers."

by Josh Mongrel October 25, 2008

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Gas station creeper

Any guy that tried to hit on, get a phone number and/or use a pick-up line on a girl at a gas station.

I purposely went to the gas station in sweats and a tee, no makeup, hair a mess and still got a gas station creeper. Ugh... So annoying!!

by Tiptiff November 4, 2015

south side creepers

south side creepers a guild and a Mexican crew. its also an online tv station

im proud to be part of the SOUTH SIDE CREEPERS GUILD and MEXICAN CREW thats known as south side creepers or s.s.c.

by south side creepers August 1, 2019

Creeper? Aw Man

Meme that you can use on discord, but it was originally a song by captainsparklez made in august 19, 2011 called Revenge ( youtube.com/watch?v=cPJUBQd-PNM ).

-Creeper? Aw Man.
-So we back in the mine
+Got our pickaxe swingin from side to side
-Side, side to side
(And so on)

by owoister August 26, 2019

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