If you genuinely believe you have an immoral soul, murdering you doesn't actually do anything.
Hym "If you actually believed the thing you claim to believe nothing would be 'dangerous' to you. Which means you don't actually believe it. If you actually believed... You would be like me. Your death would be insignificant. Your kids dying would be insignificant. But you don't. The reality is, you're a deranged incest cult and what you're doing to me needs to be stopped. And if I have to murder some kids to do it, then those kids need to die. There's no 2 ways about it."
Yeah, I love Jordan Peterson's "men need to be dangerous" thing.
Jordan Peterson "Be dangerous... But not to me... Or my kids... Be dangerous FOR me... TO my enemies... So I don't have to... "
Hym "You're not. They people maiming your kids are. YOU are not. THEY are."
The New York Hardcore band known as PUNCHYOURFACE, from Long Island is widely known as New York's most dangerous band. This is based on what goes on during their live shows including but not limited to past shootings, security with metal detectors, off duty cops and undercover cops hired for security. PUNCHYOURFACE fan's are often times told not to "mosh" meanwhile its allowed during every other band.
Example: "PUNCHYOURFACE, New York's most dangerous band, only played 1:30secs before a brawl broke out that shutdown The Redzone permanently."
A “Nick Danger” is a dude that is jovial, hilarious, stressed out and mysterious. Nick Danger’s tend to have irregularly small hands and short arms, so they may identify as a T- Rex. Nick Danger’s often refer to themselves in the third person by saying the following, “I’m Nick Danger Bitch!”.
Bro, look at this boisterous T-Rex looking ma’fucka, he must think he’s a Nick Danger!
When a scary woman, with spines emerges from the river to provide cunnilingus it gets so excited and castrates the prince with a tail whip to the scrotum.
That dangerous dragon is why I can’t have kids.
Sit on your hand until numb, eat some Fuego Takis, then jerk off violently in front of a mirror.
"Don't go in there, Justin has been at it with the 'Ol Spicy Stranger Danger for awhile!!"
Danger scum is a type of person that hangs around sites like Discord, Omegle or Facebook to seek out emotionally damaged youths. at first, this person seems nice but will manipulate underage teens and mentally and emotionally abuse them. this person will pressure teens for nudes or sex and will most of the time communicate with his victims through Kik, Whatsapp, Discord, or Skype.
Guy: "don't talk to this guy!"
Girl: "Why not?"
Guy: "He's a danger scum, he will hurt you."