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Daniel is funny as hell and will make you laugh your balls off. Everyone needs a Daniel in their life. Daniel’s can get really romantic, but their heart can be broken easily. Daniel is also stubborn at times depending on the situation. Daniel is definitely a friend to keep, also don’t make enemies with a Daniel.

I wish I had a friend like daniel

by LilMobNiglet March 7, 2018

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He a complete fucking idiot. He’s very very very hot. All the boys love him. He’s not gay. He loves eating ass.

Person 1-Wow is that a fucking idiot.
Person 2-Yeah, it’s probably Daniel.

by Definitely not Daniel April 21, 2019

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Daniels are assholes and will most of the time stay that way. Most Daniels will treat you like you dont want to be treat. And Daniels also will just use u for your freinds or your things. And dont forget never trust a Daniel.

Daniels are assholes and will ditch you and shit on your face.

by djKLJASLJ November 20, 2018

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Daniel is a fucking bad ass who has long blonde hair and is a fucking pussy magnet. He is a beast at table tennis, likes ass and has friends.

Damn i wish i was like Daniel he is so fucking sexy

by danielisabadass May 2, 2019

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He sucks at Fortnite also in any game. Also he is a fucking retard and makes mistakes every time.

Man Daniel is really bad at Fortnite.

by TheChosenCatMLG June 27, 2019

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A Hispanic chubby boy

You’re such a Daniel

by Whale989 February 12, 2018

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Daniel is a homosexual who likes women at the same time. He likes girls with below average height. Daniels are usually lady-killers in the good way

Damn , that guys being a Daniel

by Iestyn Yr Mong December 1, 2017

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