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Friday Moment

An unintentional intimate or sexual moment with a close friend.

Lara: OMG, Becky, he turned to say something and ended up kssing my ear.

Becky: What a friday moment.

by TheDiscovererOfTHeFridayMoment July 14, 2010

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Friday Eve

Thursday night because in anticipation of the weekend, it should be like a holiday

Ah, the weekend is almost here! I am going to start early by going out on Friday Eve.

by Pmdmnym July 1, 2015

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No Meth Friday

On Friday meth is prohibited you may look at it and jerk your cock to how beautiful it is but you may not consume the meth or there is consequences. This is known as โ€œNo Meth Fridayโ€. As the famous Scott Loveless says, โ€œAs good meth is you never fucking do itโ€.

Nigger: โ€œOh I want some METHโ€

Lance Phillips: โ€œIt is โ€œNo Meth Fridayโ€ fucking nigger you canโ€™t have meth.

Nigger: I will just do bath salt then

Lance Phillips: Donโ€™t do bath salt on โ€œNo Bath Salt Saturdayโ€ bitch.

by negro500 November 11, 2019

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Filth Friday

The day for having filthy discussions and sending filthy jokes pictures and anecdotes over works e mail!

OOOh its filth friday I have got a right slime on...

by mama f September 23, 2005

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Friday Boobs

The Act of receiving an email on a Friday from a co-worker containing a large selection of fap worthy tit shots

Hippy: its almost time guys

Team: Time for what Hippy??

Hippy: Time for Friday BOOBS!

Hippy: its almost time guys

Team: Time for what Hippy??

Hippy: Time for Friday BOOBS!

by cdawggg June 6, 2014

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Friday the thirteenth

Friday the thirteenth is the best day you could ever have lived through... the only night that you can wake up, knowing that you have just been raped by a demon

God! Tonight is Friday the thirteenth! Well, see you if I live.

by Small-pp-boi September 14, 2019

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freaky friday

to have as many drinks and other party favors as possible on a great friday night!

on that one freaky friday me and the homiies konsumed so much booze, we took those girls home from waffle house!!...or that girl had to have had alot of drinks she got naked on the dance floor! WoW!!!!

by h8tred March 13, 2010

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