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furry hunters

A 12 year old who found a video on youtube made 7 years ago saying bad things about furries. They think the phrase “fatherless” will offend people.

Furry: posts tic tok video
Furry hunters: “its hunting season

by A valid person April 18, 2022

37👍 9👎

Furry Burger

Furry Burger, another term for a skunk patch, a ham wallet, twat, cooter, coochie, but a fuzzy one. A Furry Burger is a hairy va jay jay.

A group of friends is discussing slang terms for cooters, out of the blue Debra says "Well I call mine a Furry Burger!"

by UrbanDecayEveryday January 13, 2016

super furry

originating from the welsh rock/pop group. This has now become a state of being after many drinks.
Related words: wasted, drunk, trashed ect.

I`m feeling super furry after those eight beers!

by fairygirl February 5, 2004

furry gopher

A small, cute woman with a propensity for biting and stabbing. Generally a sadistic top.

Man, I met a girl at the club last night. I went home with her and found out she was a furry gopher. I’m black and blue today.

by MongoSapiens December 31, 2020

Furry Shota

A furry, in a combination with a shota.
See furry / see shota

My friend is a Furry Shota.

by hshotafurryh January 17, 2020

furry saddle

noun- the act of a female squatting and riding on a bearded man's face

Oh baby, that furry saddle feels like carpet.

by Chili Hole December 25, 2010

Furry Hermit

1. An ugly and useless underwater crab

2. An acoustic novelty band based in Greater Manchester

3. The nightly act of waiting until a flatmate has gone to sleep, before putting your balls over their eyes and arse on their nose - the practice is repeated until such a point that you are evicted from your place of residence.

1. Paguristes is a genus of hermit crab in the family Diogenidae. It includes species such as Paguristes Ulreyi - or "Furry Hermit"

2. Did you go to the Furry Hermit's gig last night? They were awesome!

3. Mike gave Geoff so many Furry Hermits, that ultimately he had to leave.

by smallasianman December 12, 2009