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Ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga

Gabriel is an ooga booga

by Ooga_booga123 November 22, 2021


The sweetest funniest guy in the whole world.He is handsome af and has a very strong build but is very kind.Don't f*ck with a Gabriel because he will beat you to a pulp with ease.

girl 1:Heyyy did you see Gabriel?
girl 2: Hell yeah hes so cute omg
girl 1:ikr! too bad hes not single :(
gril 2:wait what!since when???
girl 1:yeah he got a girlfriend last month,he beat the sh*t out of some guy that called her fat and boom love at first sight

girl 2:dam shes one lucky girl!
girl 1:yeah
Girl 2:omg i feel so singleeee :( *grabs chocolate ice-cream*)

by leaves-are-cool November 11, 2022


The number 1 cocksucker. Get this man to give your nob a sloppy toppy and you'll life will never be the same.

Person 1: "Did you hear, Gabriel gave a boy head in the toilet."
Person 2: "He gave me head head the other day as well. 10/10 would cum again."

by CharlieIsL March 2, 2022


Simps for Ally

eeeeee Gabriel

by wutudoin November 12, 2020


A black nigger

P1:That Gabriel is a nigger

P2: Yea he looks like one too

by Gabriel Rico July 23, 2022


The meaning of this name is a big kokot.

Look that´s a kokot. (mean. thats Gabriel)
Where is kokot? (where is Gabriel?)

by Imro November 22, 2021


Gabriel is a very hot and funny person. Please ask him out he is desesperate.


by penesaurio1234567890 November 24, 2021