There are many different types of "human interactions".
Exemplary (E-HI); pleasant, positive, or pleasurable (P-HI); productive (PROD-HI), professional (PRO-HI), unprofessional (UNPRO-HI), unproductive (UNPROD-HI), counterproductive (CP-HI), unpleasant (U-HI); painful (PA-HI); regrettable (R-HI), horrendous (H-HI), ugly (UG-HI), nice (N-HI), not nice (NN-HI), laughable (L-HI), funny (F-HI), ridiculous (RI-HI), retarded (RE-HI), sexual (S-HI), asexual (AS-HI), etc. The list is endless, and a website may sprout listing all the different types of human interactions and their acronyms or (as I believe it is best to call them) "acronames".
By looking back and analyzing not only an interaction, but also what "really" happened and how each participant behaved and or reacted to other's behaviors, it is possible to comprehend interactions and behaviors better, learn from them, remember them, and give them a name or label—such as EHI to help reveal similarities and make it easier to categorize and group them to further increase comprehension and knowledge.
Its commonly used by a guy named Lennart Bladh. It means "Hello again" or "Welcome back"
Hi again we need more menenism
When referring to a baddie who you love and you are just too #tired, u say hi willllll!
"Hi willllllllll, how was ur gorgelicious day, ur such a furry!"
Hi- Todd is a very special greeting from Todd. Only the most Chadful people get this hi from Todd. Who is Todd? How did they get their friends phone? Some things will never be answered
"Hi -Todd"
"what are you doing in my hou-"
A hi-definition picture of macaroni, commonly found on Tumblr.
Did you see that sweet hi-defaroni I re blogged last night.