Source Code

Lombardi's Law

Lombardi's Law states, that you are wrong and Ryan is right. There is no exception to this law as it is an absolute constant.

Person A - "Ryan you baited me man!"
Ryan - "By Lombardi's Law, I disagree, you baited me!"
Person A - "Aw man, I forgot, I guess your right man."

by A Narcissist January 28, 2022

komich law

The komich law states that the addition of beauty, simplicity and cuteness is directly proportional to a super lady called mich which is inversely proportional to other ladies in the universe.
Km=K b+s+c/ol
Where K is constant.

She's a great reflection of the komich law.

by Your fav girl😘😘 January 26, 2019

Hagrids Law

When you attempt to enter a committed relationship, all possible attractive people will come out of hiding and tease you with their attractiveness. This is a test of your endurance and ability to stick with that special one.

My gawd where are all these hotties coming from? DAMN YOU HAGRIDS LAW!!!!

by B-dizzay April 11, 2011

Lenz's Law

Lenz's law is a law in physics defining the direction of induced EMF.

Lonberg: Then we have Lenz's Law. You see, Lenz is like Robin to Faraday's Batman

by Maeamian May 4, 2009

Hudson's Law

When you see a hot girl with a complete douche bag; when a girl is dating someone many, many levels below her hotness level; when a cool girl dates a total loser.

Hudson's Law comes from Kate Hudson and her husband, Chris Robinson who is one ugly mother. But, he does make up for something for being the front man of a bad ass band."
"Man that girl is freaking smokin'."
"Yeah, but her boy friend plays magic and collects puss."
"Man, such an example of Bowen's Law."

by Bosephus August 4, 2006

Winter's Law

As a message board discussion over software - particularly sports simulations - grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Maximum Football or Daivd Winter approaches 1

Person One: "I bought this new game last night and it really stinks"
Person Two: "What's wrong with it?"
Person One: "It's full of bugs! It should have never been released!"
Person Three: "Sounds like Maximum Football"
Person Two: "Aha! Winter's Law!"

by Marauder's Mom September 9, 2009

Murthy's Law

If your work involves a computer and you are paid to do it, it can always be outsourced to cost less.

The law is named after Narayana Murthy, the co-founder of Infosys, one of the largest Indian IT services outsourcer.

Oh, you want a hike and a promotion? I could always apply Murthy's law

by THOR'I'AM October 4, 2017