A Mormon or former Mormon who has really good physical genes but may or may not have mental abnormalities
Girl 1: wow that guy is so hot but he’s kind of weird
Girl 2: talk about true religion genes!
The place were all your religious views and preferences come into one single place to minda.
The religion cloud was brought together using minda to diversify the separation of religious views.
It's the fucking religion. It will always be used by zealots and charlatans for evil and will never do anything good that can't be done by anyone NOT in an incest cult.
Derp "DERRRRRRP! DERRRRPPP! It'S not ThE rElIgIoN bUt ChRiStIaNiTy (And be extention Judaism because it's literally the same religion) LiTeRaLlY did ThE tHiNg I'm CoMpLaInInG about! DEERRRRRRRP!!!"
Hym "You... Literally just contradicted yourself there... The words you just now said were 'It's not the religion but the religion did the thing.' That violates the law of non'contradiction. If the religion caused the zionism... Then the religion is the cause of the zionism... If ZIONISM is the problem... Then the religion CAUSED THE PROBLEM. 'It's not the problem it's just THE CAUSE of the problem.' Is what you just said there. 'It's not the gun! It's the bullets!' Like, let it go. You don't need to use the religion instrumentally."
Here we warship our Lord and savior Saint Skibidi toilet. We love him. We warship him. We would die for him. Show your love for our Lord. Join our religion and join skibidiism
Skibidi Religion is where we worship our lord Saint Skibidi Toliet.
Being part of or believing in a religion
Becky is so religionous
Jahism is a religious branch of Christianity, Originated in the United States. The Religion of Jah is based on the head god, his mentor, three saints, and three henchmen. The god of Jahism is unknown but referred to as Jah, thus Jah is also considered the head of the three saints. The Three Saints conprise of XXXTentacion, Adolf, and Sal from Impractical Jokers, each of these saints also have "henchmen", with these being Hampter, Biggie Cheese, and the Thumb from Spykids. Common practices in the religion include punishments such as Neutering and edging.
"Bro, youre a Simp Catholic Christain?"
"yea, ive always wanted to know how to become a chad like you"
"easy bro, just follow me to the Church of Jah and join the Religion of Jah"
"Wow! now i can be the biggest chad in the world!"
1👍 1👎
Freedom of religion is an arsenal of your own personal religious traits that can be used at any time by you and sometimes combos are available.
Did David just beat down Jon with. All his religions by himself? Using your freedom of religion is cool but don't abuse it.