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Me, I am Justice.

I am justice incarnate.

by JusticeIncarnate September 26, 2020


A total boomer /simp, very good at fortnite but lacks a huge penis. is totally obssesed with freshman red heads.

are you wearing your sweatshirt like how justice wears his

by Playboy cuck November 6, 2019


A grown adult that likes to date and be around young girls

"hey, see that guy over there?"

"The pedo?"

"Yep. His name is justice"
"Yeah! That one!"

by Oxhhxokb February 23, 2022


a kid who wipes his butt and like the toilet paper after he wipes his butt

ayo is that justice he loves them big whopper poops

by ele pepe March 5, 2021


A short ngga that will beat you if u wanna talk that shit he does not look intimidating until u get on his bad side and he will take your wife, fiance and daughter

wow thats a fucking cute justice

by BigZakkKilla December 1, 2019


The hottest 15 yo alive, (definitely did not write this himself), lives in the Philippines, has abs, is shit at math.

Rando 1:Wow Justice is so cool
Rando 2:Yes

by OnlyIce December 15, 2021


The feeling of “How ya like that?” when someone does something mean to you and then you see them getting in trouble for it.

the justice felt so good.

by sureiguess March 20, 2023