Lilly is a girl who is really funny, you can talk with her about lots of things but not discuss things very well:)
If you have her as a friend dont lose her! And be happy what you got. This girl is crazy but correct! Shes not so confident but is fucking beautiful and people dont say it enough to her. She blame herself to much and thinks not much of herself. Anyways love this person she need it! She is an Extrovert but sometimes shes shy.
Lilly you are a cool person!!
„If ur a Lilly …. U need someone to talk to giiirl“
Lilly is a drop dead gorgeous girl in a world full of books. She is antisocial and when she does hangout with her friends it is only a few people. She adores boba tea and space. Lilly has a different way of looking at the world. For see she doom and she also sees opportunity. She is someone you need to grab a hold of if she comes into your life. Lilly is awesome, smart, beautiful, and I'm pretty sure she is British.
Look Lilly is socializing!
OMG this is so rare.
Lilly is a sweet girl, it's not likely that she will fiscally hurt you, she would prefer to ignore the problem which could get annoying but spare alot of fights. She doesn't like to do work if she is forced to but she can do good at it if she puts her mind into it and not give up. She likes to do art mostly abstract paintings. Not the best at fashion but dress comfy. A lilly likes cute things and making stuff. Not really into reading but amazing at writing stories. Lilly is extroverted and best at starting conversations. Lilly might be insecure but should know she has a rocking personality
Lilly: i want a friend, look there is someone.
Someone: sitting awkwardly
Lilly: hey, how old are you
Someone: *talks*
Someone+lilly= bestfriends
Lilly is a sweet girl, it's not likely that she will fiscally hurt you, she would prefer to ignore the problem which could get annoying but spare alot of fights. She doesn't like to do work if she is forced to but she can do good at it if she puts her mind into it and not give up. She likes to do art mostly abstract paintings. Not the best at fashion but dress comfy. A lilly likes cute things and making stuff. Not really into reading but amazing at writing stories. Lilly is extroverted and best at starting conversations. Lilly might be insecure but should know she has a rocking personality
Lilly: i want a friend, look there is someone.
Someone: sitting awkwardly
Lilly: hey, how old are you
Someone: *talks*
Someone+lilly= bestfriends
Percent, perfect, palatable, pretty,plus,Goff at math. Lilly is amazing and she is a great person to be able and she is not doing well. She is suffering. She got got. Yeah. Oh jeez sorry bud I’m just sitting here watching my watch lol. I’m so happy to be Lilly. Yeah but it’s not really good but I’m just not really hungry and I’m tired lol.
Lilly is absolutely amazing and perfect and she loves you
To incessantly follow or text someone. To harass every action of another person in a demeaning way.
Damn brother, can’t get a moments peace without being Lillied. Why does she Lilly me so much. My new partner will not stop Lillying me.