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Nigger means a black, dark-skinned person. The word "nigger" is the most offensive word in the English language. It was taken from the Latin word "niger", niger means black (color) in Latin. Nigga means a friend but it's still offensive. Negro is a Spanish word for black (color).

Related words: negro, nigra, nigra
whigga, whigger, wigga, wigger

Offensive: Go die you fucking nigger!
Friendship: Hey what's up my nigga!

Other languages:

Spanish: Oh hey, there's a negro sheep!
Latin: The sky is getting niger.

by studage August 19, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word you cannot use

cuz nigger is a slur

by Fuck_Trump December 27, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


what you are, yes, you are it! and im 100% sure because i see ur camera :)

owner of urban: hey, the reader is a nigger, omg lol
reader: NOOO I am a nigger now

by Deleted User 8c0qdeil February 1, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A racial slur, specifically made for africans or african americans

What are you doing sipping my healthy water in this rich country you nigger.

by 08t1erop9egdt89w1edr291d July 20, 2021

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The act of being infected by a nigger turning a white person black.

shaniqua touched her friend bob and was rushed to the doctors because he had come down with niggeritis.

by Fedup_ September 7, 2018

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Name used by many white people to try and fit in with the black crowd

Yoooo man you my nigger

by Etan17 March 29, 2016

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The stereotypical black guy. Truly cool. People are generally unaware of the fact that the term nigger in modern use is race-neutral. A nigger can be of any color, so long as he is cool as to emulate the stereotypical black man. A black person can easily fail to be a nigger just as a white person. Genetically, however, black people are more apt to becoming niggers.

Essentially, it is someone who will be called nigger without going

"Yo racist ass is dead, cracka"
or, in a more white case,
"That offends me and my brother negro", but rather "What up, Gerald?"

George Carlin is a nigger.
Tiger Woods is a cracker.

The golf player's burden. Simple as that.

by Mr. Derogatory June 27, 2009

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