is the current Director of the Federal Bureau of Control. Jesse isn't the usual sarcastic, quippy girl you used to know. Her appearance is unremarkable and somewhat disheveled, she's pretty humorless, and, at times, her behavior borders on desperate. However Jesse is striking, not just because of her bright red hair and her strong jaw but because she stands with her shoulders squared, feet planted like she’s ready to fight. It is kind of sexy that she has that confidence.
Agents: Director we need help at sector 18!!
Jesse Faden: I will be right there.
They're the couple that would fake their deaths, run away and not look back, their love is so strong that Aphrodite herself would kneel in their presence.
No couple could ever be like Sophia and Jesse.
Two thumbs up awesome! Does everything she can for her children and family without looking for anything in return. Hard worker, sexy, loyal and very crafty with a little side of crazy.
You have yourself a real Jesse Marks if she starts dating you.
A way of describing very bad breath , often mistaken for dog poop or an out house.
That boy has some Jesse Kramer stench leaving his mouth hole.
Singer/Songwriter, most known from his appearances on Fox's television show "The Four".
Classic rocker dude. Long hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Jesse Kramer killed it tonight in his performance!
She’s a badass and super fit. I don’t even know why she’s still single. Plus her name was stolen by that girl on that shitty Netflix show.
A dirty ass blonde kid who hasn’t showered in 5 years and smells like ass. Also he has a mangina.
“Omg you smell disgusting. You must be a Jesse kazmerick”