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Chalupa money

financial assets set aside for the temporary employment of a lesser whore.

typically used to talk about ones unsavory deeds in public without repercussion.

" Nothing planned this weekend, running low on Chalupa Money."

by otakuwind January 28, 2004

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Money can buy you bitches and bitches can buy you money. Therefore bitches=money. If you need more help you’re fucking retarded.

I just sold 5 bitches today to someone. They gave me 1 U.S. currency in return so it was worth the trade. The bitches=money.

by Bitch give me money April 18, 2018

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random money

The term for that money that floats around in your bag, without a home inside a nice cozy wallet or change purse.

Brooke: *sees the $1 bill in my purse* Steph, you have random money floating around in there.

by MeTheTree December 5, 2006

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Money Rule

Simply put the "money rule" means the person with the money makes the rules. Often used in contract negotiations.

If your concerned about default we can add his mother as a co-signer on the loan. We will make it a money rule in the contract.

by Anthony F June 24, 2007

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Legit Money

When something is just so good or beyond amazing that the words "legit" and "money" must be combined.

Guy 1: Nigga look at that double rainbow!
Guy 2: Dayuuuum!!!!! That's legit money!

by MAH603 September 15, 2010

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snap money

A photographer, someone who knows how to takes pictures.

that snap money just shot my ho!

by tro June 6, 2005

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Easy Money

Used when something is easy

Used when something is complete
Originated in PA

Lucas made the shot and said "Easy Money."
This is easy money.

by Tyyy to yo yo yo November 12, 2014

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