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Deep Nut

A nut busted so hard and so thick you have none left.

Rachel made me deep nut last night from milking my prostate.

My sack is empty after that deep nut. Broke a sweat with that one.

by Eaton Holgoode October 24, 2018

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nut tree

A Person Who Knows Something But is Hiding it for the Sake of their Friends.

"Wow Why is Liam acting Like A Nut tree? "

by RealLs October 18, 2015

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rhinoceros nuts

Slang term describing bravery using the rhino because of its gargantuan size and impenetrably thick skin.

That guy is undoubtedly the poster boy for rhinoceros nuts, he speaks truth to power no matter what the consequences may be.

by Dr Bunnygirl August 24, 2019

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adjective- 1:When a man feels like his scrotum is bigger than it really is. 2:When a man get a sudden burst of inexplicable courage to do something overly stupid.

If more people carried guns then the idiots with guns wouldn't feel so pump-nut!!!!

by MandiniA August 9, 2012

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Quantom Nut

When you nut in your gf and then your dad get pregnant.

Bob:Yo dude i think i just Quantom Nutted

Bobs clone: fuck dude

by Poro Mafia December 26, 2018

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Slug nut

Slug Nut

Two bushy eye brows that touch in the middle and look like two overtly hairy slugs going at it it like Roger Rabbit.

Raver #1: Check that cunt on the decks
going pure tonto, he's got some slug nut oan him.

Raver #2: Aye mate. They looks like they are about to pump gastropod stylee. Heavy slime.

by Splocious September 29, 2017

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nut cookie

When a male's ball sack becomes in contact with an area of cold air (less than 32 degrees F), they condense into a thinner package, known as the nut cookie. If a man has more than one ball sack, it becomes a package of nut cookies. If the ballsacks then reach a temperature lower than 10 degrees F, a reaction occurs that results in the formation of a nut cluster.

"Dude, when I was skiing, I forgot my underarmour leggings and baked a nut cookie."

"At least you don't have two ballsacks, I got a wopper of a nut cluster yesterday."

by Sir Gusty December 7, 2008

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