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Pumpkin Protector

Someone who got cheated on.
Comes from the saying “cheater cheater pumpkin eater”. Someone who doesn’t “eat the pumpkin” (the cheater) is the protector.

After getting cheated on, she became a pumpkin protector, and vowed to never be a cheater.

by xoxojordn December 1, 2022

Pumpkin Protector

Someone who got cheated on/someone who is loyal.
Comes from the saying “cheater cheater pumpkin eater”. Someone who doesn’t “eat the pumpkin” (the cheater) is the protector.

After getting cheated on, she became a pumpkin protector, and vowed to never be a cheater.

by xoxojordn December 1, 2022

Pumpkin Pus

When your employee gets a little pollen on his pus in springtime and he has to go home because it swollen to the size of pumpkin.

Hey monkin u gotta run this today. We got a guy who has a bad case of pumpkin pus. He went home. Dammit.

by Yo yo yo yo yo yo April 25, 2024

Pumpkin Smashed

A quickie at a the local Starbucks after drinking a sip of their first pumpkin spice latte while wearing ugg boots and yoga pants 2 hours before their yoga/CrossFit class

Dude ! I think your girl pumpkin smashed her trainer at the star bucks

Bro, we both ordered the same latte and pumpkin smashed in the parking lot.

by aMADmexikan October 10, 2017


To run through a corridor with haste (generally a corridor near a library) and exclaim ‘Pumpkin’ with high volume.

Yesterday he pumpkined the library

by De’aths Boyfriend x March 15, 2024

pumpkin tagging

A suggestive activity between two consenting individuals ;))

Batman put on his dressing and was pumpkin tagging everyone

by theopenny November 11, 2022

hurricane pumpkin

A pumpkin, just like any other pumpkin, but is bought to be the entertainment for the upcoming hurricane.

I went to Walmart to get a hurricane pumpkin, so I’ll have something to do if the hurricane knocks out the power.

by Hshdjjd April 25, 2018