Exploring somewhere EVERYONE has already explored with the chance to find something someone dropped like cash or jewelry, and hopefully not a river gun.
My new job is re-explorer and I am adding it to my resume.
Someone else's Be-hotch that is now your second hand Be-hotch.
She used to be mine, but now she's your Re-hotch
When you fart on the couch and it seeps so deep, you sit back down again and the fumes burn the nostrils again.
Or when you fart in your car and it doesn't air out, you get back in and get hit with a re-fart.
"Fuck. I think I just sat on a re-fart"
Hahahahahahaha! Is that me!? AHA! THAT! IS! HILARIOUS! OHOHOHOHOHOHO! You stupid bitch! I WOULD HAVE GIVEN IT BACK!
Hym "YOU DIDN'T ASK! YOU DIDN'T ASK YOU STUPID BITCH! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT WAS HAPPENING! NOBODY SAID ANYTHING! THAT IS FUCKING HILARIOUS! AHAHAHAHAHA! WOW! You motherfuckers are stubborn! Wow! Is THAT why she's re-recording the thing! Ha! Seriously! You motherfuckers are dumb, petty, AND corrupt! This is fucking priceless! Way to project your fame motive on to me, by the way! That is fucking sad! Hahaha! All this to avoid interacting with one of the evil, unclean, dregs of the society you lord over! That is fucking priceless! This right here is exactly why I hate celebrities! Ha! I WOULD HAVE GIVEN IT BACK! ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS ASK! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I WAS DOING IT! That is funny! You can't NOT think that is funny. Oh, well, you're still property now so there's that.... Who do I own?"
a phrase commonly used in games after a match ends which stands for good game no rematch
sometimes people use gg ez no re which means good game easy no rematch
"god why did the other team win"
"gg ez no re"
"gg no re"
progamer42069 was banned by 2020sucks696969696969696969696969
After an extended absence in online gaming, a re-noob is a formerly proficient player who now finds himself making noob-level mistakes.
I haven't played WOW in years! I keep making noob mistakes. I'm a re-noob.