shank is the action of stabbing someone with a shiv this term is widely used amongst roadmen
Dave: im gunna shank your nan dont you know bruv
Dave: bo man i got my shiv ready and everything bruv if you don't shut up ill shank you to
A word that teenaged boys use fifty times a day.
Teenaged Boy 1: "Shank, blah blah, shank, blah blah, shank, blah blah, shank, blah blah, shank."
Teenaged Boy 2: "Awesome."
Darwen slang for a reach-around originated from Bummers Wood. Giving a shag and a wank at the same time.
When we’re in Bummers Wood I’ll shank you.
British English
Noun: A homemade knife made from one piece. E.g: a glass shard
Verb: To puncture someone with a sharp, one piece object.
Sentence: They shanked (verb) them with their shank(noun)
An english slang, meaning to 'fuck' someone. similar to shag
"what did you do last night?"
"shanked a few bitches, went to the bar... what didn't I do?"
Shank; verb. The lascivious act of simultaneously masturbating and defecating culminating in a dual expulsion and an unrivalled sense of euphoria.
Chaps I have just shanked, you were all right, it is like being touched by god.