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isai yes thats a simp

what is a simp its the guy who fanna doesnt love

by 2828829282 October 3, 2020

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A person who masks their real personality to fit in, they act like everyone else just to seem cool or be accepted. They flex and act tough to perceive better than they really are. They follow trends such as clothing, activities, ways of speaking and many other in style things. Not caring about anything like personal hobbies or bettering yourself, you just want to do things that make you seem like everyone else. Most high schoolers are simps, in the aspect that they want to fit in.

Synonyms: masked, follower, average, etc..

That bitch is so simp, wearing Brandy Melville like everyone else.

What a simp, I've never heard that kid say anything original.

Don't be so simp, you act like every other kid.

by Kennythefanker May 9, 2017

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A VERY annoying word used by people you can’t get a girl and want to put down the ones that can.

β€œDude your a simp.” β€œShut up you are just mad that a got a gf.”

by Unknown6901 May 7, 2020

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People who leave me on read

Dude Cameron left me on read he’s such a simp

by Simpkiller69 March 22, 2020

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A word that retards that will never have a girlfriend use

Me* buys girlfreind flowers and a gift for her b-day

Me: kyle fuck off your single and will always be

by A fat fuck March 30, 2020

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you. you are a simp.

"your such a simp"

by lxveriaa November 9, 2020

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A Dude who's in love with Mediocre pussy. A dude who's doing so much to please a basic Female who don't even like them.

Brandon a Simp for falling in love with Rochelle. Dude is buying Her all of this stuff and she don't even like him.

by Theblackguyfromthe90s April 24, 2020

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