The well kept, darkest of secrets, that you love to lick the speculum clean like a good little boy. Highly guarded and known only by you, your girlfriend/wife, her gyno-man and your mother who started it all by handing you a spoon full of cookie dough.
I was licking the spoon as soon as possible when my wife returned from her gyno appointment carrying a zip-lock with a spec in it.
The act of spooning a girl/guy while having your dick inside of them
Me and my gf was hard spooning last night, it was really nice!
When feeding an infant/toddler and the child shuts their mouth before the spoon gets all the way in. This typcally results in food being left all over themselves and whom ever is feeding them.
Mom: What happened?!?! There's baby food every where!
Dad: We had a bad case of short spooning.
Mom: why is there food all over Junior?
Dad: He short spooned me
A nocturnal infiltrator who creeps momentarily into the spoon position before escaping unnoticed.
Much to my surprise, the CCTV footage revealed the visit from a Spoon Bandit
Someone who is an absolute spoon lord is just plain stupid and ridiculous. A form of insult used usually towards friends or siblings.
Person 1: you just ate a table you spoon lord
Person2: huh
An accessory for your cool beans. “Cool-spoons” can be used to describe anything cool.
“Bro I just got a new dog!”
“Woah cool-spoons, dude!”
When Corey is hanging out with you and takes out a spoon and shoves into his rectum and dances around like a Mexican jumping bean
Hey look the guy is doing the cool spoon and he is great at it.