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Tamster Squirrel

noun. A talented, smart, and all around great person. Can run fast and plays trumpet.

Tamster squirrel is a band geek.

by audrey November 8, 2004

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Squirrel Kiss

a type of kiss that resembles how Squirrels great each other, a cross between a sniff and a kiss. Invented by Hazel

she just kissed me like a squirrel, that girl is nuts! i think it was a squirrel kiss
Squirrel nuts kiss Sniff

by therealbadgerbaiter March 3, 2011

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peeping squirrel

Noun. Occurs when someone is taking a shit and can extend the poop half way out of the sphincter and then suck it back in.

Hey, look at my peeping squirrel!

by tromboneelvis October 8, 2009

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Fudge Squirrel

A fudge squirrel is basically a giant nutty shit, with a peanut(or any other kind of nut) sticking out of one end.

"Dude, those peanuts they gave me on the plan made me drop a fudge squirrel at 35,000 feet."

by Mr.Mark Guido February 4, 2010

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squirrel brain

when you push all your foreskin in a in a bunch and it looks like a squirrel brain, looks very nasty.

during a drunken night, I whipped my squirrel brain out and showed my friends

by revilo nworb July 14, 2013

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Burnt Squirrel

Sexual maneuver where girl is riding on top. Both people have large amounts of pubic hair and during intercourse the pubes are set on fire.

Rob: I've put my manscaping on hold.

Jason: Why?

Rob: Because I want to do the burnt squirrel with your mom's big bush.

by ProphecyRob3 November 23, 2011

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Flying Squirrel

When your left testicle is stuck to the inside of your left inner thigh and your right testicle is stuck to the inside of your right inner thigh. As a result your testicles resembles the image of a flying squirrel's arms spread far apart with your scrotum and its skin being the skin on the flying squirrel's arms that droops down.
This happens often when you have been sitting down for a long time (like on an airplane or cramped bus/car) and your thighs, testicles, and scrotum start sweating and since you're so cramped and your legs aren't spread far apart, they adhesively stick to both thighs.

Person 1: Wow we've been sitting on this bus for 8 hours.
Person 2: Yeah both of my testicles are sticking to my thighs.

Person 1: Yeah me too, I've got the worst flying squirrel right now.
Person 2: Yeah I wish I could stand up and pry my testicles/scrotum off my thighs.

by yallreadyknowduke April 6, 2015

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